Á þessari síðu má finna skýrslur, greinar og annað útgefið efni sem tengist Biopol ehf.
Greinar birtar í ritrýndum tímaritum:
Isolation, Characterization and Biotechnological Potentials of Thraustochytrids from Icelandic Waters (2019)
Parasites and Vectors:
The Ecology of Chytrid and Aphelid Parasites of Phytoplankton (2017)
An online resource for marine fungi (2019)
Nucleospora cyclopteri n. sp., an intranuclear microsporidian infecting wild lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus L., in Icelandic waters.
Carbohydrate Polymers:
Characterisation of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin/dermatan sulfate from the lumpsucker fish, C. lumpus.
Conservation of spawning time between years in lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus and potential impacts from the temporal distribution of fishing effort (2019)
A brief history of lumpfishing, assessment and management across the north Atlantic (2019)
Oocyte size distribution reveals ovary development strategy, number and relative size of egg batches in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) (2018)
Do biomass indices from Icelandic groundfish surveys reflect changes in the population of female lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus)? (2017)
Observations of vertical movements and depth distribution of migrating female lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) in Iceland from data storage tags and trawl surveys. (2015)
Journal of Fish Biology:
Observations of growth and postspawning survival of lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus from mark-recapture studies.
ICES Journal of Marine Science:
Movements of female lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) around Iceland
Genetic structure of the lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus across the North Atlantic
Assessing patterns of hybridization between North Atlantic eels using diagnostic single-nucleotide polymorphisms
BMC - Evolutionary Biology:
Do North Atlantic eels show parallel patterns of spatially varying selection
Molecular Biology:
Genome-wide single-generation signatures of local selection in the panmictic European eel
Greinar og skýrslur beintengdar Biopol ehf.
Foodgrade Alginate - Final Report Matvælasjóður - Kelda (2023)
SSNV final report Scholz et al. (2022)
Lóa Innovation final report 2022_Scholz et al (2022)
Red algae as ingredients in solid skin care products (2021)
Phlorotannins from northern Icelandic seaweeds grown in an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system for sustainable production of constitutional food supplements (2021)
Northern Icelandic marine microalgae as health promoting multi-functional feed protein and lipid source for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) – A whole algae concept (2021)
Optimising yield of antioxidants and sunscreens in Icelandic marine microalgae for sustainable biosynthesis of ingredients for cosmetic products (2020)
Örplast í hafinu við Ísland; helstu uppsprettur, magn og farvegir í umhverfinu. Skýrsla fyrir umhverfis- og auðlindaráðuneytið (2019)
Þarabreiður í Húnaflóa: Athugun á nýtingu á sjálfbæran hátt - Skýrsla fyrir SSNV (2019)
Vöktun þorsks og ýsu í Húnaflóa (2017)
Ástand hörpudisks (Chlamys islandica) í Húnaflóa m.t.t. sýkinga.pdf (2011)
Bandormssýkingar í kviðarholi og þunnildum ufsa (Pollachius virens) veiddum á mismunandi svæðum við Ísland.pdf (2013)
Development of a monitoring programme for the occurrence of phytoplankton derived toxins in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in northern Iceland coastal waters.pdf (2013)
Framleiðsla á fjölómettuðum omega-3 fitusýrum og lífvirkum efnum með frumverum (Thraustochytriaceae).pdf (2011)
Frumathugun á útbreiðslu og líffræði beitukóngs í Húnaflóa.pdf (2010)
Fullnyting hrognkelsa.pdf (2009)
Líffræði og hegðunarmynstur hrognkelsa (Cyclopterus lumpus) við Ísland, leiðir til nýrra nýtingarmöguleika - áfangaskýrsla (2009)
Áfangaskýrsla 2009.pdf (2009)
Líffræði og hegðunarmynstur hrognkelsa (Cyclopterus lumpus) við Ísland, leiðir til nýrra nýtingarmöguleika (2010)
Lokaskýrsla 2010.pdf (2010)
Lífshættir, stofnsamsetning og vistfræðileg áhrif skötusels (Lophius piscatorius) á nýjum útbreiðslusvæðum.pdf (2011)
Nýting grásleppukvelju til kollagenframleiðslu.pdf (2010)
Nýtingarmöguleikar ígulkerja í Skagafirði og Húnaflóa.pdf (2013)
Rannsóknir á fiski og botnlægum hryggleysingjum innan og utan veiðisvæða dragnótar árið 2011.pdf (2011)
Tilraunarækt á kræklingi í Miðfirði - Vöktun á umhverfisþáttum - II. verkefnaár.pdf (2013)